Building a Website that Converts

Let us begin with the obvious fact – a website is as good as the number of visitors it attracts and retains. However, achieving this level of visibility is no mean task, which is why website owners need to invest in some high converting website design tips. In this article, we have taken the liberty of educating you on some of these tips.

Eliminate Sliders

Like sidebars, sliders create a lot of options on your website, from which your visitors choose from. While this may appear like a bonus, it actually serves as a distraction as very few people actually use them. For this reason, you should ensure you phase them out of your website in order for your users to find their way around the site with much ease.

In their place, you could opt for a larger header space that uses a unique static design which clearly highlights your brand. This way, you will not only make it possible for your visitors to scroll through the site with ease but will also ensure that your brand is clearly defined right from the home page.

Simplify Navigation

Website visitors often want to scroll through your products or services simply to have a look at them and perhaps develop more interest to buy them later. If they find the navigation a little complicated, they will be turned off and might never visit your site again. For this reason, you should always ensure your navigation  is as simple as possible.  You could do this by reducing the number of items on the navigation menu. This enhances the navigation time and helps reduce clutter from your site.

Think Responsive Design

Over the years, responsive design has emerged as one of the best converting website design tips. Initially, responsive design meant focusing a lot on the fluid layouts of the website but as technology advances, this technique has grown and is now concerned about making your website mobile- friendly. This means you will have to make use of mobile optimized imagery, mobile-friendly menus etc.  Here is how to make sure your site is responsive.

Enhance Readability

One of the traditional web design tips that almost always works wonders is the use of big typography. It not only grabs the reader’s attention but also places focus on your content.  This means that you should ensure you use larger font sizes, especially on the homepage or as part of a header image. It is also important to mention that the font needs not only be big but should scale well with the web interface.

In order to achieve this, you need a professional web designing company to help you with it, and this is where we come in. At Curmi Marketing Web Development, we spare no effort in ensuring our clients’ websites achieve maximum visibility for optimal results and at a minimum expense of time and money.

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